Julian Yun

Julian was introduced to yoga in his mid-40s by his wife, Purvi, during her yoga teaching training. Resistant to the practice at first, as he reluctantly returned to his mat, he began to find relief from chronic pain due to a knee injury and several years of inactivity. Just after the first few months of practicing yoga, he noticed subtle changes in his body and experienced a deeper awareness of his Self. He observed that his mind and body would feel refreshed, lighter, and centered after a class. He became more intrigued about yoga and wanted to deepen his practice. At his wife’s suggestion, he enrolled in the same life-changing 200-hour teacher training program at Health Yoga Life in 2018. During the training, he experienced an “Ah-ha moment” when he realized that yoga is universal and should be shared with everyone. From that point on, he couldn't wait to share what he had learned and was continuing to learn. Julian believes that yoga should be healing for the body and mind and emphasizes the breath practice, safe and accessible alignment, and fun and challenging sequencing to leave the body feeling refreshed and strong, and to leave the mind feeling calm and centered.