Renvil Doman
Studio Owner
Sunrise/Sunset Sculpt - Yoga - Private Clients
I began practicing yoga in the late nineties. As an athlete, I was always seeing ways to stay flexible and strong so I could be at my best in all my sport events. Fortunately, for me, a yoga Instructor at the gym where I did my workouts introduced herself because she saw something I was doing that highlighted my inflexibility. She invited me to take her class, and I ended up loving it. I began taking her class once per week and was absolutely thrilled by how much it helped my workout regimen. Years went by and as life evolved, I kept yoga as part of my routine.
After launching my fitness business in 2010, I knew I wanted to incorporate yoga as a part of my fitness program. In 2014, the opportunity arose for me to expand my business and that's when I knew it was time to launch my yoga program. In 2015, Beacon Hill Yoga was launched. With growing success, I knew something was missing. I felt that by not being a certified instructor, I was unable to connect with the yoga community on a deeper level. However, I knew running a successful business and finding the time to be certified was not available to me then. After the devastating appearance of COVID-19, I realized it was time to get certified. I knew I could be of great support to my yoga community and to healing myself mentally and emotionally with the exposure of such an atrocity. With great resilience, I was able to keep my fitness/yoga business open. In 2024, I registered with the Kripalu School of Yoga and Health. I am fortunate and proud to be trained with the guidance of Rolf Gates, Jurian Hughes and Christopher Holmes.
My goal as a certified yoga instructor is to invite anyone who is open to receiving the empowering effect of yoga in their bodies and also a tool to continue spreading mindfulness, generosity, empathy and care for each other in my yoga community.”
IG: @beaconhillyoga